Liebster Blog Award

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I got nominated for the Liebster Blog Award by Jacqueline at Having Fun While I Run. Thank you so much. So I have to:

  • Tell 11 random things about yourself.
  • Answer the questions that the person who tagged you asks and create 11 new questions for the people you tag.
  • Tag 11 blogs and link them to your post.
  • Contact them and let them know they have been tagged.
  1. I love B movies.
  2. I don’t have any immediate family. They have been dead for 1/3 of my life now. (I’m in early 40s.)
  3. I just discovered I could paint in the last few years and love it.
  4. I am scared of risks
  5. I eat when I am upset.
  6. I need a life other than work.
  7. My cats make me laugh…a lot!
  8. I would like to write a book one day.
  9. I dream about winning the lottery.
  10. I have trouble sleeping.
  11. I may say bad words but I am a religious person. Well, let’s call it spiritual more than anything because I don’t go to church due to my schedule but I am tight with God.

Now for Jacqueline’s questions

1. Why did you start blogging? Because blogging is cheaper than therapy. Seriously I have a lot of thoughts that I often wonder if others have and I also just want to run things by others. Sometimes I just need to clear my head.

2. What’s one bad habit you want to break? I want to stop procrastinating. I want to deal with stuff now so I can take care of my life better.

3. What’s your special talent? I don’t know that I actually have a special talent. I can write poems at the drop of a hat. This is handy when I don’t know the words to a song on the radio or don’t like their words and decide to make up my own on the fly.

4. What was your favorite TV show from when you were younger? Depends on how younger I suppose. 🙂 As a teen, I dunno. I loved Growing Pains I guess. In my 20s I loved China Beach. In my 30s I loved Lost and Alias.

5. What’s your favorite inspirational/motivational quote? From Hope Floats, Birdie says this: “Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to overcome. That’s what momma always says. She says that beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it’s the middle that counts the most. Try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up. And it will… ”

6. What’s your favorite shape of pasta? Rotini…it holds sauce better.

7. Why did you choose the college you went to/where do you want to go and why? I just finished at the University of Phoenix because I didn’t have time to finish at traditional school. Word to the wise: Finish school while you are young and still have time. It’s so much harder when you’re older.

8. Dress or nice shirt and pants? I prefer jeans and t-shirt.

9. Favorite restaurant? Depends on my mood. I love BBQ and haven’t found a favorite BBQ place locally, but I love Greenbrier BBQ from Madison, Alabama. OMG! So delicious! I also love Jim and Nick’s and we don’t have one here.

10. What’s your favorite Olympic event, summer or winter? Figure skating. I love watching that because I can’t skate. They amaze me!

11. What’s your favorite vegetable? I LOVE veggies! I suppose zucchini or summer squash. Cook that with some Vidalia onions and I’m in heaven!

Now I get to nominate people. I’m sorry if I didn’t choose you, I love all the blogs I read, and I’m also sorry if you just got chosen by someone else and now have to do this again.

GoTC @ Girl on the Contrary

Nathan @ The Life and Times of Nathan Badley

Jackie @ The Jackie Blog

Patti @ Run4Joy59’s Blog

Lesley @ Bucket List Publications

Tamara @ Tamara Out Loud

Pamela @ A Place to Write

Jenny @ Caffeinated & Random 

Jim @ The Wordslinger

Judy @ The Southern Lady Cooks

Dawn @ It Just Dawned On Me

My questions for you all that I nominated:

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. If you could meet someone famous, living or dead, who would it be and why?
  3. What’s your special talent?
  4. What is your all time favorite movie?
  5. What’s your favorite inspirational/motivational quote?
  6. How may states have you traveled to?
  7. Do you have pets and what kind?
  8. Favorite genre of music?
  9. Eat out or cook at home?
  10. If you won the lottery, what would you do?
  11. Do you watch reality tv shows and do you have a favorite one?

About Amy

Recently I came to an ugly realization–I am middle aged. I didn’t really think so but then I doubled my age and thought, “Hmmmm…some of people don’t live to that age. I must be middle age.” This epiphany came in the third quarter of my 39th year. So I am surviving middle age…it’s scary.

4 responses »

  1. Thanks for the shout-out, Amy. Nice to “meet” you!

  2. Pamela Hodgdon

    Amy – thanks for the vote…I’m on it!

  3. Oooh, I’m going to do this later this week–maybe tonight! Thanks for the idea. 🙂


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