Tag Archives: RDA

Vitamins, Minerals, Oh My!

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If you are like me, you get confused on how much of what vitamins and minerals you need. We need so much! And each one provides something different for our body. We get them from different sources. It can overload our brains when we are trying to learn so much. Then again, maybe it is just me that feels that way. But just in case I am not the only one, here’s some information for others who might be thinking or feeling the same way.

So here is a chart with vitamin information showing the recommended daily allowances of all the vitamins. This chart also shows what the vitamins affect and what foods you can find these vitamins in.



Here is more info and it shows mainly the Vitamin B family, their functions as well as symptoms of deficiencies.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B

Not only do we need to understand vitamins, but minerals as well. So here is a handy-dandy mineral chart as well.

MineralsIf you are don’t have enough of these wonderful vitamins and minerals, your body is going to feel the effects. Here is how you might feel if you are deficient:




If you are concerned about getting proper nutrition, consult your doctor or a nutritionist. Ask them what you can do differently. You can see about a blood test to check your vitamin levels to see if you are low or deficient on anything.

Personally, I am deficient in Vitamin D, B12 and low on iron. My iron level tips to deficiency from time to time. I take a supplement for B12 and I often forget my Vitamin D. I am deficient in D because I work 3rd shift and don’t see the sun enough. I feel like a vampire. The sun is my enemy. But I do miss it. I also think that  these deficiencies I have help keep me locked into obesity. If you notice, they are key to energy. I feel like I am worn out all the time. I feel like I have worked 20 hours a day all the time and many times I have only worked 8-10 hours a day. I can’t sleep well. This could be me fighting my natural sleep cycle. But the fact remains that I am deficient or low on energy producing vitamins and minerals. It makes sense to me that I would be exhausted. It takes all the energy I have to do everything I absolutely have to do. I am working to correct this, but don’t let yourself get to the point I have gotten where you feel half dead!